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Sorateiden virtuoosi
Saatoin varastaa tän idean, kjeh kjeh. Mutta mun soittolista on niin mahtava, etten malttanut olla tekemättä tätä

[] Juice Leskinen Slam - Outoon valoon
[] Juice Leskinen Grand Slam - Myrkytyksen oireet
[] Raggars - Jossain
[] Skädäm - Silmissäs on taikaa
[] Nuket - Eksyneet sankarit
[] Nuket - Malja ikävälle
[] Pyhät Nuket - Tuhlaajapoika
[] Pyhät Nuket - Enkelit sulkivat silmänsä
[] Wigwam - Luulosairas
[] Juha Vainio - Mies joka tapasi Dingon
[] Kääriäinen, Marstio, Mustajärvi - Mä elän vieläkin
[] Heikki Silvennoinen - Poor little girl
[] The Searchers - What have they done to the rain
[] The Swinging Blue Jeans - It's too late now
[] MIKA - Grace Kelly
[] MIKA - Lollipop
[] Gary Moore - Wild frontier
[] Gary Moore - Victims of the future
[] Moon Martin - Bad case of lovin' you
[] Moon Martin - Victim of romance
[] Josè Feliciano - Rain
[] Kate Bush - Wuthering heights
[] Kate Bush - Kite
[] Belinca Carlisle - Leave a light on
[] The Rubettes - Juke box jive
[] Eagles - New kid in town
[] Sweet - Alexander Graham Bell
[] Sweet - Lost angels
[] Carly Simon - Why
[] David Bowie - Where have all the good times gone
[] David Bowie - Prettiest star
[] Journey - Wheel in the sky
[] Rainbow - Death alley driver
[] Rainbow - L.A connection
[] Dio - Rock'n'roll children
[] The Motors - Airport
[] Zager & Evans - In the year 2525
[] Renegades - My heart must do the crying


[] Juice Leskinen Slam - Outoon valoon
[] Juice Leskinen Grand Slam - Myrkytyksen oireet
[] Raggars - Jossain
[] Skädäm - Silmissäs on taikaa
[] Nuket - Eksyneet sankarit
[] Nuket - Malja ikävälle
[] Pyhät Nuket - Tuhlaajapoika
[] Pyhät Nuket - Enkelit sulkivat silmänsä
[] Wigwam - Luulosairas
[] Juha Vainio - Mies joka tapasi Dingon
[X] Kääriäinen, Marstio, Mustajärvi - Mä elän vieläkin
[] Heikki Silvennoinen - Poor little girl
[] The Searchers - What have they done to the rain
[] The Swinging Blue Jeans - It's too late now
[] MIKA - Grace Kelly
[] MIKA - Lollipop
[] Gary Moore - Wild frontier
[] Gary Moore - Victims of the future
[] Moon Martin - Bad case of lovin' you
[] Moon Martin - Victim of romance
[] Josè Feliciano - Rain
[] Kate Bush - Wuthering heights
[] Kate Bush - Kite
[] Belinca Carlisle - Leave a light on
[] The Rubettes - Juke box jive
[] Eagles - New kid in town
[X] Sweet - Alexander Graham Bell
[X] Sweet - Lost angels
[] Carly Simon - Why
[] David Bowie - Where have all the good times gone
[] David Bowie - Prettiest star
[] Journey - Wheel in the sky
[] Rainbow - Death alley driver
[] Rainbow - L.A connection
[X] Dio - Rock'n'roll children
[] The Motors - Airport
[X] Zager & Evans - In the year 2525
[] Renegades - My heart must do the crying

Suurin osa on tuttuja bändejä ja artisteja, mutta silti ei ole suurinta osaa noista tullut kuultua.
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